February 22, 2023 8:00am EST
Ottawa, Ontario
Royal LePage Team Realty, RECO
Are you moving to Ottawa and are unfamiliar with the city? Moving can be overwhelming and daunting – I completely get it. In this post I will give you 5 of my top tips you need to know when moving to Ottawa. Hopefully this will relieve your stress about moving to a new city! Keep reading until the end of this post where I will debunk a worry about moving to Ottawa you might have not even known you had.
#1 Get to know the neighbourhoods
Do your research and get to know the neighborhoods of Ottawa. Are you looking to live in the suburbs? Are you looking to live downtown? What kind of lifestyle are you hoping to obtain? These are some questions you should be asking yourself. Ottawa is a 15 minute city – where everything is essentially 15 minutes away. Get to know the neighborhoods of Ottawa before making the move! I would recommend visiting Ottawa before your move if you are able to do so! I would visit different neighborhoods and tour where you could see yourself living.

#2 How will you be getting around?
Determine how you will be getting around in Ottawa. If you will be taking public transit make sure you live close to a bus or train station. Trust me in our -20 degree winter months you do not want to walk too far to get to a bus stop. Our bus system called OC transpo has an amazing website where you can map out your route. Plug in your work location from your home and ensure it’s a commute you can handle!
If you will be driving most places, having an indoor garage or indoor parking spot might be essential to you. If you have an older car you might need the warm space to place your car overnight. Another thing to consider is winter tires. These are an absolute must in the winter time here in Ottawa. A garage or shed comes in handy when it comes time to store your tires!
#3 Come prepared
Ottawa is a very active city! Come prepared with the essentials for all seasons. In the summertime sports like tennis, pickleball and volleyball are extremely popular. In the wintertime many people ski or snowboard. There are also many snowshoeing and cross country skiing trails throughout the city. If you do not have any gear for the winter time – do not worry everything you need can be purchased here no matter the budget.
#4 Consider the cost
Living in Ottawa is not exactly cheap but it is relatively cheaper to live here than comparative cities like Toronto or Vancouver! Ottawa has one of the highest median incomes in all of Canada. It is also a major city with some of the most educated residents in the whole country! Central to Ottawa are two universities – Carleton University and Ottawa University. If you have kids who are close to attending university living close to these universities might be a priority.
#5 Delivery services
Are you someone who loves the convenience of Uber and Uber Eats? This is something you should consider when looking for a neighborhood to live in. the good news is – Uber and Uber eats services the East and West suburbs of Ottawa. If you go beyond the Ottawa boundaries however, such as Carleton Place or Carp. You might have to forgo your Uber Eats Pass.
Are you moving from a larger city and are used to the convenience Amazon Prime shipping has to offer? Or are you moving from a small town and are excited to take advantage of that 2 day delivery time – Do not worry!! Amazon Prime is amazing in Ottawa and next day shipping is the norm!